when jackson was born he was 7 lbs 2 ounces 20 inches long. he fit into new born clothes and baby hats were to big. plus taking pictures was a breeze because he hardly ever moved.
now hes a little over 6 months, 16.9 lbs & 26 1/2 inches long (27
1/2 if you count his fluff top) his finally semi-chubby legs are to long for 6
month clothing and hats are just a bit to snug. not only do i remember
his "calm, sleeping most of the day" self, this vicious arm smacker has
to be held down to take a non blurry picture and to make sure i have a functional
keyboard. also earmuffs have been taken into consideration because his high pitched
screams get a little crazy, but as time goes by each stage gets better
and better. even the puppy dog whine instead of fake tears. we are so in
love with this little man and are excited to see his personality grow over the next 6 months. XO
ohhhh oooo I want to squeeze him.